Review of Amelier Freer's Eat, Nourish, Glow Healthy Eating Book | BLOVED Blog

Review of Amelier Freer's Eat, Nourish, Glow Healthy Eating Book | BLOVED Blog


Hi lovelies! This afternoon we're so thrilled to welcome back the lovely Catharine of Catharine Noble Photography with her second book review, accompanied by some stunning images! While we're super concious about health at BLOVED we are huge believers of eating & excercising in a healthy way - it's all about looking and feeling good, not starving yourself and making yourself miserable, ok?! So this book Eat, Nourish, Glow by Amelier Freer, is right up our street - offering sensible tips and motiviation, whether you're dieting for your big day, getting back into shape after welcoming your little one or just wanting to get a little healthier!

Amelia Freer is a nutritional therapist and healthy eating expert and her book covers her 10 easy steps for losing weight, looking younger and feeling healthier - yes please! This isn't a boring and strict, diet book - it's the opposite of that! Filled with positive information and encouragement, Amelia promotes being conscious with your food choices but without pressuring yourself or restricting yourself. She guides you through different foods and their pros and cons, healthy food creating a happier you, looking at your food habits especially if you have any bad ones and being consistent instead of perfect. Something I really loved about the book were the inspirational quotes throughout - as well as the beautiful paper stock, design, photos and illustrations - never mind the content and recipes. It serves more as a guide and less of a recipe book but those included are delicious and include: Almond, apricot and rose yoghurt, Creamy coffee milkshake, Hazelnut chocolate salted caramels, and Raw chocolate marshmallows! As Amelia says in her book, "Food has the power to make or break you. Choose your own destiny"


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