Friday Fix: Super Natural Highs for Busy Brides-to-be

Friday Fix: Super Natural Highs for Busy Brides-to-be


Ok, so let's take a second for a bit of #realtalk today...

Yes, it might be a FINE Friday (I dunno about where you guys are at, but its blue skies and fresh here today)

Yes, you might have put our Morning Ritual into practice as part of your 2015 resolutions...

Yes, it is almost the weekend...

But when all that positivity is said and done, I will still always need a morning pick-me-up!

Now, I'm a huge coffee fan, don't get me wrong, but I'm also quickly becoming very aware of the ingredients that I fuel my body with as part of a New Year's resolution to eat a little cleaner (not including the odd bottle glass of Prosecco, of course!) so I thought it'd be great to look at some alternative and naturally sugared energy drinks for you busy, brides-to-be!

Here at Festival Brides HQ, we're some of the lucky ones, I mean this morning, I rustled up this little cacao smoothie. Nothing processed, no additives and a love little energy boost from the cacao, banana and honey... Totally yum, totally energising and no nasties!

Like, who's got time for that every morning, right?!

Right! So, I've scoured the WWW to find you some of my absolute faves form new companies, small businesses, well established peeps and fledging brands and boy, the possibilities are endless and 0h-so-exciting!

So, whether you're new-engaged and struggling to sleep at night for the excitement and dreaming, or a bride-to-be in the final throws of planning that special day (in which case you're probably running on some serious adrenaline, but an extra boost can't hurt!) these energising and rejuvenating bottles of goodness are sure to help you on your way!

First up, and in no particular order...

They're ALL about homemade, cold-pressed almond milk.

Sans the added sugar and stabilisers of many store-bought almond milks, The Pressery's almond milk is raw, whole goodness!

Like, can I just be one of them!?

Back to their drinks, and we're totally stoked on their Cacao blend, lightly sweetened with dates and vanilla, it's the perfect booster that tastes so good you'd think it was naughty, but it ain't! Like, not even a little bit!

Plus, their instagram feed is just to die for.

Next up, we're totally taking one for team coffee lovers.

Meet the KING of iced coffee...

British Skimmed Milk
Arabica Coffee
Demerara Sugar
Thickener (Carrageenan)

Simples. With just enough sugar (unlike a lot of those sickly sweet iced coffees you can get!) and the skinny comes in at a mere 118 kcal (if you're into the counting business!)

Jimmy's will forever be a firm favourite at FBrides HQ.

Just because COFFEE.

Oh my. So, I dunno about you guys, but Juiceman is a recent discovery for me and I'm obsessed!

' Juiceman is a choice. It is a choice to embrace a healthier lifestyle, complemented and supplemented by 100% Organic, natural and unprocessed nutrition. It is a choice to give our bodies the best we possibly can and help enable us to achieve a long and healthy lifespan.

We produce 100% Organic, cold pressed, unpasteurised juices, nut milks, tonics, shots, cleanses and much, much more. Our concept is to provide you with an easy way to complement your busy lifestyle and maintain optimum health. Morning juices, health shots, nut milks and cleanses delivered every day, just as the local Milkman did when you were a child. We will take care of the hard work for you and bring your daily goodness straight to your door.'

Seriously though, who can say no to that!? I want them all (no, really!) but here are some of our energy-boosting faves:

Perfect for the bride-to-be nearing her wedding day and feeling the heat a little, this de-stress juice is described:

'Juice No.3 is our easy greens drink. Whilst still providing a heavy vitamin punch it feels light and the pear brings a delicate sweetness. Its organic ingredients are energy building, immune boosting and stress relieving and can help aid digestion, promote cell repair and regeneration of skin, hair, nails and bones.'

So, one a day everyone?! Yeah me too!

Next up...

Made from a refreshing combination of chia seeds, cucumber, lemon and pineapple, Juiceman describes it as 'a deliciously healthy thirst quencher. Its organic ingredients help aid both the digestive system and the respiratory system, provide a great source of natural energy, are anti inflammatory and help alkalize the body.'

For real though, give me ALL THE JUICE!

I'll let them tall you about it, but I am SO into this little concoction:

' The combined organic ingredients in our delicious Chocolate Protein Smoothie are designed to help with performance and energy. This smoothie contains two renowned Superfoods. Cacao is the number one source of magnesium of any food on the planet and contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. It is a highly effective natural energy enhancer. Goji Berries are regarded as a longevity, strength-building and potency food of the highest order. They contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids as well as many other nutrients. These combined with potassium rich Dates, natural protein, antioxidant rich Vanilla , Almonds and Avocado to help absorption of nutrients make this a very effective drink.'

...AKA healthy chocolate. Need I say any more!?

Whether you want a whole lot of wellness, performance, beauty, detox or you want a package for the whole family, or one of each of their juice shots, these boxes of sheer goodness are just everything.

Ok, I'm done gushing, you get the picture!

Key ingredient: Matcha.

Yeah, I hadn't heard of it either. Here's the deal:

  • Contains natural caffeine & l-theanine
  • Caffeine improves cognition & concentration, whilst l-theanine keeps you calm, relaxed & alert
  • Raises metabolism & helps to burn fat faster
  • More antioxidants than any other tea
'Matcha is simply pure, high-grade green tea leaves that have been picked and ground into a fine powder. This powder is blended straight into our drinks to give you all the nutritional benefits in a highly concentrated form.'

Like, #gimmie. Right?!

Let's take a look at the flavours...

So, if you're looking for that natural green-tea style boost y'all need to be drinking Vivid.

Plus, they're so damn tasty. We LOVE.

Y'all know Innocent, right?

Well, they're upping their game yet again with their recent additions to the world of smoothie power!

Our favourite, decidedly red-looking favourites are:

Back to beetroot, who knew, right?!

Nevertheless, scientists claim to have seen a 4% improvement in performance in athletes using this natural booster.

And, I mean, on some days, planning a wedding can totally feel like a marathon, right? So go ahead and beet it up, gals!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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