Wedding Dress Dilemma with Green Loving Girl

Wedding Dress Dilemma with Green Loving Girl



I hope you have all had an amazing Christmas!! ! And Bonne Année et Bonne Santé as we say in France!

As I wrote this, I was getting ready for Siena's 4 th birthday, and the arrival of all my family, Spa day, hen/stag dos (with some fab props from Hen Box!), of course Christmas itself followed by wedding amazingness, brunch, etc... very, very exciting times!

Wedding planning took a back seat in December. However we have been fairly busy already since we became engaged last Christmas, and can tick off the following from our list:

  • Venue sorted out,
  • The venue has also agreed to cook for us even though they don't usually provide this service in the summer season!
  • The Mairie isbooked and timing of the ceremony agreed,
  • Photographer booked,
  • Dress bought,
  • Bridesmaids dresses and most accessories bought,
  • Make up trial done!
  • Guests have been sent Save the Dates, and informed of accommodation details in the area via wedding website, so flights & bookings are already being made!
  • Florist found,
  • DJ found and booked.

All in all, we are pretty happy with how everything is going, and are happy that we can tackle the rest easily in 2015, even the whole " Dossier de Mariage" J

I have however been having a wedding dress dilemma ... still! I had my second dress consultation the other week to see how to alter my dress to make it really me. When we left, I felt happy with what we came up with. But since then, I have gone back to worrying about it. I don't feel it's me. I worry Barry won't like it. I worry it doesn't look in any way like any of the dresses I absolutely love (!!) on Pinterest (the curse of Pinterest!). I feel as if maybe I've settled too soon, that there is better out there.... I do realise that there are so many styles, fabrics, lengths, etc when shopping for wedding dresses, that you could probably be trying dresses on for a lifetime and still not find a perfect one... Maybe?

Barry thinks I'm just worrying about it as I have nothing else to worry about at the moment. It's true. I have previously been stressed upon realising that everything in my life was running far too smoothly! I drive myself (and Barry!) crazy!

But part of me thinks it's more than that. I know what I am like. I work on instinct. Many of the major decisions in my life have been taken this way. I could not always explain my decisions. Only that each time, I knew deep down it was 100% the right thing for me to do. And I think that every time I made these decisions, things worked out for the best for me too. I feel a bit like that now. I still do not know 100% what my dream dress would be, although I have a vague idea. I just feel that I will never be 100% happy with my current dress... And this is my dilemma. Some friends say that they never truly found the "one"... Some said they fell in love with a dress and that was it. So what should I do?

There is also a small voice in my head saying that it is only a dress. Ultimately the day will be about so much more than the dress. And everything else we have for the wedding is absolutely gorgeous, so no doubts there. But then I keep on feeling unsure about the dress so will that bother me on the day?

I am yet to decide whether to go back dress shopping, but I think it might help put my mind at rest if I do. Whether I end up sticking with my dress, or getting a new one...

Did any of you have similar dilemmas after you'd picked your dress?

Fiona xxx

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