How to Make Terra Cotta Pot Snowman - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

How to Make Terra Cotta Pot Snowman - DIY & Crafts - Handimania


Do you know any powerful spells to conjure the snow? We need a good magician as we've tried to encourage snow to come with its Paper and Macaroni versions, but they didn't work out. We all know that snow is this element of Christmas holiday which adds so much to the sparkling atmosphere! But here where we live, it hasn't appeared yet.

I know we haven't used all the possible ways to show the snow how much we like it;) So we decided to use 'Crafttown' to help us. Their Terra Cotta Pot Snowman is an easy craft which requires a pot, some paint and creativity! It's a great way to show the kids how they can personalize the room with their decorations. Hope the trick with this handmade snowman works and the snow will finally come.

Wishing you merry moments this season, I wait to see your Christmas decorations!

Check out the tutorial on Craftown!

What you need:

To see the full list of Tools and Supplies check out the source post.

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