How to Make Mini Pocket Notebook - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

How to Make Mini Pocket Notebook - DIY & Crafts - Handimania


When I was little, I loved stationer's and especially the notebook section. I used to be a poet, a writer, a secret keeper. I used to write a diaries when I was 10 or 11. I had some secret notebooks with a little padlock and a key. In my teenage years, I threw all the diaries away. What a pity!

Still my passion for beautiful notebooks hasn't disappeared. I've currently found a beautiful DIY Mini Pocket Notebook I'd like to make. Natalie of Creme De La Craft shares a comprehensive tutorial of how to assemble one using a cereal box as a cover. I adore the idea as I can make it a really personal thing with an original Pom Pom Bookmark.

Hope you'll feel encouraged to make this notebook for yourself or for someone you love. They are sure admire such a present! Once you've finished your projects share the photos of them below!

Check out the tutorial on Creme De La Craft.

What you need:

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