Makeup Tricks to Make Teeth Look Whiter

Makeup Tricks to Make Teeth Look Whiter


We love the color yellow. It's happy and sunny and seems to lend fun flair to any ensemble or makeup look. The only time yellow can ever go wrong is when it's reflected on your teeth. Quite frankly, yellow teeth are not cute! However, sometimes this unattractive tinge can't be avoided and we don't always have time (or money) to invest in fancy shmancy teeth whitening procedures. For these times, it's good to have a few makeup tricks up your sleeve. This is where we come in! Take a look at these handy tricks that will make your teeth look white a snow!

#1. Brighten Up Your Pout. Bold lipstick shades with blue undertones like bright reds and berry shades deflect the yellow tint on your teeth. Lucky for you, these stand-out shades never go out of season and are hotter than ever this fall!

#2. Embrace Bronzer. Give your face a subtle glow. The contrast in color of your skin will make your teeth appear pearly white!

#3. Highlight Your Curves. Use concealer or a highlighting pencil to better define and accentuate the lips and make them appear fuller. Combined with a bold lip color, your teeth are sure to shine like no other!

#4. Cool it Down. Similar to the bold lip effect, cooler eyeshadow shades will deflect any yellowing of the teeth. Opt for pastel purples and blues for the ultimate bright and shiny smile.

What are your tricks to making your teeth look pearly white? Spill your secrets in the comments below.

Photo: thinkstock

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