Win a Beautiful Bouquet from Serenata Flowers!

Win a Beautiful Bouquet from Serenata Flowers!


There's nothing sweeter than treating yourself to a bouquet of flowers. Of course it's nice to be given one too, but we can't always control when that happens. So how would you like £50 to spend on yourself at!?

Whether you want to splash out on a giant bouquet to carry on your wedding day, you'd prefer something pretty to sit on your desk at work, or you'd like to go wild and splash the whole lot on wine and chocolates, I can't think of one good reason not to enter this competition!

Serenata Flowers are different to a lot of online flower delivery services. They pride themselves on their guarantee of fresher, finer and all-round more fabulous flowers. Their Heathrow based 'flower emporium' receives daily deliveries of most stunning blooms from local and international farmers. Each of their bouquets is personally prepared by an in-house florist before being sent by courier direct to your door. Best of all delivery is completely FREE all over the UK, and you can order as late as 8pm for next day delivery.

To enter for your chance to win £50 to spend on their website, simply comment on this post letting us know what you'd buy. Easy!

You have until midnight (GMT) on Wednesday 10th September to enter, and the winner will be notified by email after this date. While this contest is open to all readers of Rock n Roll Bride, prizes can only be shipped to a UK address.

Good luck everyone!

Ts & Cs

♥ One winner will receive a £50 voucher to spend on anything they like on
♥ Closing date for entries is 10th September 2014. Winner will be selected at random and emailed after that date.
♥ Contest open to all Rock n Roll Bride readers over the age of 18, regardless of where you are in the world. However prizes can only be shipped to a UK address.
♥ Only 1 entry per IP address.
♥ If for any reason the advertised prize is unavailable, Serenata Flowers reserves the right to substitute a similar prize of equivalent or greater value. None of the prizes may be exchanged or transferred and no cash alternative will be offered.
♥ By entering the draw, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete.
♥ Liability cannot be accepted for entries which are lost in transit or not received due to technical difficulties.
♥ Serenata Flowers' decision and any decision taken by the promoter is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
♥ The winners will be contacted via their email address within a week of the the competition draw date. Rock n Roll Bride/ Serenata Flowers will not amend contact information provided.
♥ No purchase necessary.

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