Rustic And Nature Inspired DIY Terrarium Centerpiece | Weddingomania

Rustic And Nature Inspired DIY Terrarium Centerpiece | Weddingomania


For a nature inspired wedding this graphic terrarium centerpiece would be just great! It looks a bit rustic, very original, and making it as easy as pie! To make it you'll need a terrarium, slate shale, soil, an assortment of succulents and/or cacti and protective gardening gloves. First of all you need to line the bottom of your terrarium with the slate shale and add the soil (about 2" from the top). Then simply start planting your larger plants and after that filling the space with your small plants. Finally, give them some water and you're done! Looks pretty awesome, right?

diy, diy centerpiece, diy decor, flower centerpieces, geometric centerpiece, handmade centerpiece, rustic wedding, unique wedding centerpieces, wedding centerpieces, wedding decor

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