Philip & Annemé's Rosemary Hill Wedding

Philip & Annemé's Rosemary Hill Wedding


For all the brides planning their summer weddings, here is a spectacular Rosemary Hill wedding shot by the ever beautiful and talented Louise Vorster from Louise Vorster Photography. Rosemary Hill is a very unique venue and it is just outside of Pretoria. The Tsakani Events took care of the flowers & décor, Anneme had her make-up done by Blush and Beehive and The Baker Boys supplied their cake. Enjoy this lovely wedding with us, as it is just "lovely" to look at.

I was still studying when one of the trainers at the gym introduced us. We did not really like each other in the beginning, but we talked a few times a month. I asked him to help me out with one of my assignments at 4 am one saturday morning. After that he sometimes came over for a coffee and ended up staying for dinner. For a first date we went to Tings & Times to watch A King, and I dared him to kiss me, and then it just happened.

I said Yes | How did the proposal go down.

I went out to see a friend for coffee and when I got back home he came to fetch me at the car. While we walked to the front door he asked me to close my eyes... then I knew something was up. He guided me inside and when I opened my eyes he was on his knees. He asked the question candles, wine, snacks, smelly cheese and flowers were on a table next to us... Obviously I said yes and we had a nice evening with wine and smelly cheese on crackers.

The Big Day | Tell us the most memorable moment of your wedding day.

Bride - Exchanging the rings, first kiss as man & wife and our dance
Groom - We as newlyweds walking in at the reception and everyone cheered and shouted congratulations Mr & Mrs Beukes.

I Quote | Describe in one sentence your wedding day.

A long awaited perfect day shared with our family and friends.

Forever & Always | Any advice for future brides.

- Don't stress to much about the arrangements, everything will eventually work out and go exactly as you want it.
- Take in every second of your wedding, it goes past very quick.
- Make sure you choose the right bridesmaids

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