Bitchless Bride: Engaging, Educating and Entertaining Every Bride-To-Be - Blog - The Truth Hurts Tuesday ~ REALLY? A Bride Ties a Baby to her Wedding Dress?

Bitchless Bride: Engaging, Educating and Entertaining Every Bride-To-Be - Blog - The Truth Hurts Tuesday ~ REALLY? A Bride Ties a Baby to her Wedding Dress?


OMG? WHAT the fuck? I had a whole other THT prepared (which you will see next Tuesday), but after I read this story on Buzzfeed, I literally dropped everything so that I could weigh in on this ridiculousness. Bridey, in case you missed it, check out this link. Yeah, apparently, the bride wanted her one month old baby girl to be part of the wedding ceremony; to be with her as she went down the aisle, so instead of I don't know, CARRYING her, she tied the baby to the train of her wedding dress, and dragged her down the aisle. Can I get an OMG, WHAT THE FUCK?! Right???

Look, I'm not trying to be a hater. You know that's not how I roll. In fact, I spend a ton of time writing about how to make your wedding your own, how to ignore the " noise" and the bullshit and I truly try to push you, bridey, to do what's important to the two of you on your wedding day. And, for those of you who already have children together (or from another relationship), awesome! It's a fabulous idea to include them in your wedding ceremony or even have them walk you down the aisle! But, adhering your children to your wedding dress? I'm sorry, but that's all sorts of fucked up. Not only that, but it's dangerous! Your wedding dress is long, and your shoes are high. And sometimes, shit happens and a girl can lose her balance. Yeah, that alone is not pretty, but at least you're not putting anybody else's safety at risk; certainly not a four week old baby.

Some people are suggesting that the authorities ought to get involved, but I disagree. While I think it was an incredibly stupid idea, I don't automatically connect the dots, point my finger at the bride and deem her as an unfit parent. Perhaps the hormones got the best of her and she really believed that the baby was "covered by Christ". Or perhaps she really, really thought it was a good idea to drag her newborn behind her. Whatever the case may be, it was not a good idea; it was a terrible idea. And I don't think I am the only one who thought so...

If you look at the pic on Buzzfeed, there is a gentleman on the edge of the aisle who clearly looks horrified... You can definitely see "what the fuck" written all over his face. So, my question (or two) is why the hell didn't anybody suggest that the bride carry the child with or instead of her bouquet? Why didn't anybody mention to the bride that the baby may get injured, or that it would be plain stupid and fucking weird to drag her down the aisle? I dunno, but having a very young child behind you (instead of in front of you or next to you) in any situation seems dangerous. But, to do it intentionally? That's fucked up.

What do you think? Haters gonna hate? Or just a really stupid idea?

Image via The Bridal Bar

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