LOOK: This Odd Couple Just Got Hitched

LOOK: This Odd Couple Just Got Hitched



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It was a big day for Pete and Tally. The lovable couple finally tied the knot in an adorable dog wedding in Georgia.

Pete and Tally's owners, who wish to remain unnamed, decided to put together the ceremony and asked a friend, Sarah Joiner, to photograph the "puptials."

(Story continues below)

They recently shared the photos of the March wedding in a series of daily posts on Instagram and Facebook -- something that has become quite routine for 3-year-old Pete (the yellow Labrador retriever) and 2-year-old Tally.

"Pete and Tally are our dogs and they, as you know, are adorable," one of Pete and Tally's owners told The Huffington Post in a phone call. "They're just in love with each other. So we decided to document their relationship."

The newlyweds first met when Tally was brought home as a puppy. At the time, Pete was still a young pup at 1 year old, so the two grew up doing some of their favorite activities together -- like riding in the car and taking naps.

Most of the time, Pete and Tally's owners, who met while attending a graduate art school in Atlanta, snap an impromptu photo of their pets. But, other times, the roommates stage more elaborate or humorous scenes for their social media followers.

h/t BuzzFeed

Either way the photogenic pups seem to enjoy the attention.

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