5 Household Items that Will Completely Change Your Nail Game

5 Household Items that Will Completely Change Your Nail Game


As nail art enthusiasts, we recognize that our nail polish addiction runs deep. We show all of the signs of a lacquer lover and we see many of the objects in our daily lives as potential nail art tools. Any trick that can help us master a color-block manicure or animal-print accent nail is worth a try in our book, and even if we think we couldn't possibly make our nails look any better, there are tools that can at least speed the process along. You may be sitting in your house right now thinking, "What could I possibly use to create more unique nail designs?" Well, stop looking and keep reading, because we're taking the guess work out of the equation and sharing with you five household items that will change your nail game forever.

1. Craft Scissors - So you've been using scissors and tape to create just about every look under the sun, but what if you didn't need to slowly cut each design out of your tape? Craft scissors are something most of us DIYers have on hand and with the variation of patterns (from wave to lightning), you'll have an instant design to dress up the tip of your nail. It's the new take on the French tip, and you'll be trailblazing the trend.

2. Pencil Eraser - Create your own nail stamps, whether you're using an actual yellow No. 2 pencil or a block eraser. Say goodbye Bundle Monster and hello to customizable designs by simply cutting a shape or pattern out of the eraser. We're thinking little arrows, or for the upcoming holiday, Easter eggs to be placed on each nail.

3. A Drinking Straw -A cut-off straw and a bit of lung power and you can create a splatter manicure that is worthy of nail envy. Simply cut the straw fairly short, dip into a dab of polish and blow on the other end. You can also try this with a toothbrush, but we can't promise your post-manicure clean-up will be as effortless.

4. Bobby Pin - It shouldn't be a surprise that we think a dotting tool is the bee's knees when it comes to the perfect manicure. The dotted fade has been worn on our nails more times than we can count. But when in a pinch or hanging out with a friend who isn't as well-versed in the polish world, use a bobby pin as your tool. Straighten the pin out and then dab the end into your lacquer and dot away!

5. Plastic Wrap - The product's intention is to keep your food fresh, but it will likely do the same thing to your nails in an entirely different way. Use plastic wrap almost like a sponge and dab various colors across your nail for the easiest of all designs: marbled nails. It's also one of the quickest-to-use tools for a pretty and perfect nail design.

What household items have you used to create new nail designs? Share with us in the comments below!

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