Elegant Watercolour Wedding by Howling Moon Photography | SouthBound Bride

Elegant Watercolour Wedding by Howling Moon Photography | SouthBound Bride


Rush rush rush! I'm off on a MUCH needed mini-holiday today, to spend a weekend with some of my besties in (hopefully) sunny Plett. No laptop for four days :) But first, I wanted to share this lovely little wedding with you all. Taking classic elements and adding a few personal twists and clever touches, like a super cute escort card display and lovely little watercolours on the tables (what a sweet way to add colour and flowers that aren't flowers, if you know what I mean). Pieter and Annine obviously had a lot of fun putting their personalities and history into the day, so that it was a true celebration of their past, present and future. Howling Moon Photography captured every moment in these lovely, light-filled images.

The Proposal
Pieter was amazing at organising a whole day of activities for me. My brother played chaperone and I was taken to memorable places of our relationship to reflect, enjoy and pray. Each new place had a long letter from him with instructions for me. It included eating cake at the restaurant where he asked me to be his girl, reflecting on all the blessed and challenging times through a series of pictures, listening to a special engagement CD while taking a long bubble bath, praying and reading certain passages about marraige and a few others. At the end of the day I was blindfolded and chaperoned to a sunset picnic under a huge tree next to the mielie plantation. Pieter was there. We had the best time together. Later at night he took me away to look at the stars. There we got engaged. Pieter made the whole engagement about the past, present and future. He included everything important to me and him. SERVICE PROVIDERS
Venue & catering: Oxbow Estate | Photography: Howling Moon Photography | Flowers, décor & hiring: Royal Flowers and Functions | Bride's dress & accessories - Olivelli | Bridesmaids' dresses - The Space, Brooklyn Mall | Groom's attire: Country Road | DJ: Four Seasons | Flower girl dresses: Accessorize

You can see more from this wedding on the Howling Moon Photography blog.

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