Wedding Planning Ideas To Get Your Guest List Finished

Wedding Planning Ideas To Get Your Guest List Finished


Apr 19, 2013 | Posted by: abi s

Even using the finest wedding planner apps for iPad and android that you get for free online, you can still have problems planning your guest list. As any former bride will tell you the guest list is probably the most challenging aspect of planning a wedding . There are actually three options that most people consider when sitting down to make their guest list.

Option A: invite everyone you know (family and friends)

option B: invite only immediate family (bride and groom)

option C: list everyone you know family and friends alike then pour over the list and try to decide who will make the cut.

The thing is, depending on your age group. When you get married that list could be hundreds if not thousands of people long. What about people that you only see every now and again that were once really, really close to you or do you exclude people in your family that you haven't seen in 5 to 10 years? These are questions that come to mind when you pouring over your guest list.

When you consider excluding people that you've known in love for many years there will be hurt feelings. But what about the new people in your lives that you become very close to if you exclude them. There will be hurt feelings also. Now you began to get a scope of the dilemma that you will be facing.

This is a decision to be made as a couple, the first saying you should do is sit down together and come up with some guidelines for inviting guests to the wedding . Many articles and professionals will tell you that you should divide the guest list out evenly for bride and groom and their family. This is not always possible, especially when sometimes there are small in numbers in one family than in the other.

If you want a small intimate wedding. You can choose to invite people that you both know and care about, excluding a person that has not met your intended is perfectly acceptable. Set guidelines for the people that you invite like plus ones being only spouses or live in partners. This eliminates people bringing random dates of people you do not know to your wedding. People from work you could limit that to your closest work associates or immediate supervisor. If you hang what a bunch of people at work and cannot afford to invite the entire gang invite no one.

For more wonderful ideas about preparing a guest list for your wedding, visit the website. You can find information about this topic and everything wedding in the articles, blogs, and forums located on the website. While you're there download your free wedding planner apps for iPhone and android to help you keep track of all of your "guest list" and " to do" list.

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