Wedding Themes – Planning a Theme Based Wedding

Wedding Themes – Planning a Theme Based Wedding


Numerous brides and grooms love the idea of planning their wedding based around a particular theme. Theme based weddings can be as simple as a color like yellow or an object like a sunflower. A wedding theme could also be a little more involved, such as basing it on a historical era like medieval times. There are virtually unbounded theme possibilities, and the only requirement for selecting one is that it has some significance or relevance to you.

Following are some common theme ideas, and there are countless ways you can incorporate them into your wedding day.

Flower Themes

Roses Tiger Lilies Sunflowers Frangipanis Bluebonnets

Animal Themes

Dolphins Butterflies Birds Safari Jungle

Historical Era

Victorian Medieval Elizabethan Renaissance Antique


Christian Jewish New Age Buddhist Hindu

City Themes

New York Paris Venice Honolulu Las Vegas

Garden Weddings

Vineyard English Parisian Venetian Enchanted

Cultural Wedding Themes

African Indian Celtic Hispanic Chinese

Tropical Themes

Hawaiian Luau Caribbean Moroccan Greek Islands Tahiti

The decorations for your chosen theme can be simple and straightforward. The three main items typically associated with decorating are fabric, floral arrangements, and lighting. Draping of various fabrics can be used to create a scintillating background for the bridal table, and similarly designed fabric can be used for tablecloths. Flowers can be used in a variety of ways to decorate and create a feel of the elected theme. And selective use of lighting can create a mood or fastidious ambiance.

The wedding themes listed here are only a small portion of what is possible. There are limitless options, and the specific theme you choose can be embellished in accordance with the heights of your imagination. What you come up with for you and your guests can only add to the excitement of the day, and as long as it has some special meaning to you, that’s the only ingredient needed to fabricate a grand display for your ceremony and reception.

Additional Tips and Ideas

Visit our website blog for more tips about wedding planning or our wedding locations webpage to procure ideas on where to host your upcoming wedding.

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