Kid Friendly Events for the Summer

Kid Friendly Events for the Summer


Kid friendly events are often times far more consuming to plan that adult themed events. Reason being is that the attention span of children are far shorter than adults. They require instant gratification in order for you to occupy their space and their time. So what options are there during the summer months to keep your kids active and occupied? Kid friendly events are the perfect opportunity for parents to not only entertain their kids, but introduce them to new friends. Kid friendly events can range from birthday parties, sleep overs, themed events just because, picnics and the list continues. No matter what the event is, ensure that it’s something that kids will enjoy. In this edition of our Kid Friendly Events for the Summer we focus on the initial shock that kids get from going to events. The visual affect captures their attention and lets them know this is going to be worth their time. Just imagine going to a themed party where there was no clear sign of the theme. A Casino Night with no poker table, no slot machine, nothing but you and the guests holding an invitation saying Casino themed event. You would feel lost and wonder if you were at the wright location. The same rules applies for kids and more so heightened because of their attention span. In your planning stage of kid friendly events, be sure to give extra time on how the venue will look. This sets the tone for how much the event will be. The beauty in the design element of kid friendly events is that most of them take place in the comfort of your home or back yard. This allows you to make the design element without venue restrictions. The images below shows just how creative you can be with these events with an element of DIY. So be creative in your design and we are certain your kids will enjoy their kid friendly events this summer. See more design ideas here.

The post Kid Friendly Events for the Summer appeared first on District Fete.

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